For any business it is perfectly legitimate to make profits and therefore perfectly legitimate to pay taxes. While Starbucks may have not done anything " illegal ", to me it reeks of nothing less than rapaciousness and corporate greed - finding complex tax schemes,creating international subsidiaries, finding ways of moving money to low rate regimes, to avoid paying tax on their profits. According to Forbes,Starbucks CEO ,Mr. Howard Schultz , personal net worth is $1.5billion.
It is estimated that 1.6 billion cups of coffee are drunk worldwide everyday. Coffee is a $80 billion business today and it is often said that it is the most valuable trading commodity in the world after oil. However, the share of the coffee trade enjoyed by the actual coffee grower has fallen by two-thirds,whilst transnational coffee companies have reaped huge profits from the low price they pay to the producer.According to Anthony Wild, the average price paid to coffee producers internationally has fallen 80% since their last high in 1997. The widening gap between the have and the have-nots are illustrated in the growing inequalities of the coffee trade.Most of the coffee growers are small producers and this is specially true of Ethiopia where some of the finest coffees are produced - the coffee farmer can own as few as 20 plants. The story is no different in India - where 98.5% of coffee farmers are small holders. Since they are at the mercy of the global coffee trade which squeezes them for their own profits, coffee farmers are being forced to abandon their holdings and move to cities seeking a different and often uncertain future.
The boom in coffee consumption means next to nothing for the coffee producer .That Starbucks creates new markets in different countries does not help the producer. Today the coffee farmer is being battered by climate change on one side and speculative trading on the other - the small farmer in the Western Ghats of South India , or in the Sidamo Province of Ethiopia faces unpredictable weather patterns,unseasonal rain, rising temperatures , periods of drought followed by periods of flooding ,is desperate to save his crop and his livelihood so as to provide for his family .But sadly, a trader sitting in London or New York will decide the price of the coffee to be paid to the farmer and the coffee farmer is lucky, if in the end ,he even gets 10% of what you just paid to Starbucks Corporation for your Latte.
So for a company that says they strive to "strike a balance between profitability and social conscience," they have a long way to go.
Hey Viva,
ReplyDeleteStarbucks has always been shady at best, but the hypocrisy from these corporations, time and time again, does rankle. £20m in Tax repayments on Revenues in excess of £1 billion is a pittance, especially given that the traditional corporation tax rate in Britain is 30% of profits - which they claim they haven't made any of over the last few years. You only have to see the sea of well groomed yuppies quaffing down gallons of the black stuff in their uber trendy Starbucks designer takeaway glasses to know there's something a bit wrong with this "loss" making picture. Nice Blogging - my Dad's put me on to your Blog now so will be now be a keen follower too!
Thanks for reading my post Shyam ! It is really disgusting that these multi billion corporations get away without paying tax or minimum taxes - like Google, ebay - all follow the same tax avoidance regime. What is sickening that they all claim to be be high on ethics and transparency blah blah, but frankly they are only interested in their bottom line - how to maximise profits.